Employment Application

Bender's Tavern Employment Application

Bender's Tavern is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will be considered without regard to race, religion, creed, color, sex, national origin, age, handicap or ancestry as required by law.


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • A conviction will not necessarily be a bar to employment. Factors such as date, nature and number of offenses, age at the time of the offense and rehabilitation, as well as job duties, will be considered.


  • MM slash DD slash YYYY


    Indicate which days you can work by entering the earliest starting time and latest ending time.
  • MonTueWedThurFriSatSun
  • MonTueWedThurFriSatSun


    *Degree of educational achievement is considered in the hiring process only to the extent that educational achievement is a requirement for performing the job.


    List below present and past employment, beginning with your most recent (or current) employer.
  • Name & Address of Employer #1Date FromTo
  • PositionReason for leavingSalary upon leaving
  • Name & Address of Employer #2Date FromTo
  • PositionReason for leavingSalary upon leaving
  • Name & Address of Employer #3Date FromTo
  • PositionReason for leavingSalary upon leaving
  • Name & Address of Employer #4Date FromTo
  • PositionReason for leavingSalary upon leaving
  • To select more than one, hold down the "Control" key and click on your selections.


    Give the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least one year.
  • NamePhone NumberEmail AddressTitle/CompanyYears Acquainted
  • NamePhone NumberEmail AddressTitle/CompanyYears Acquainted
  • NamePhone NumberEmail AddressTitle/CompanyYears Acquainted


    If assistance is needed during any phase of the hiring or employment process, please advise. I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and complete to the est of my knowledge and understand that if employed, incomplete, false or misleading statements on this application shall be grounds for dismissal. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, personal or otherwise. I release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing the same to you. I also authorize you to obtain information regarding my record with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles if the job for which I am applying will require driving as part of my job duties. I understand that pursuant to the company's job application process I may be required to undergo drug testing. I understand that I may be disqualified from further employment consideration if I refuse to take or fail the drug test, unless I can demonstrate that a) the test was erroneous; or b) prior to taking the test I ceased using illegal drugs and am now enrolled in a supervised rehabilitation program; or c) I am taking the drugs under supervision of a licensed health care professional. I knowingly and voluntarily consent to the company's request to undergo a drug test. I further release this company, its agents, representatives and employees from any and all claims and liability for damages associated with or arising from my submission to the test. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the company rules, regulations and policies, and agree that my employment is at-will and that my employment and compensation can be terminated with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time at the option of either the company or me. I understand that the rules and regulations and any personnel manual do not constitute a contract of employment.