Safety Guidelines

Proper use of masks in the workplace

Please see the following Ohio Governor, National Restaurant Association and Ohio Restaurant Association Mask/Safety Guidelines below that we have implemented here at Bender’s Tavern along with some of our own guidelines to follow:


Masks are to be worn by all employees while working.  Kitchen staff can pull their masks down ONLY when in their own station, maintaining 6 ft apart from other co-workers and while cooking over on grill side due to high risk of flammable material near open flames.  When coming closer than 6 ft from another staff member i.e. crossing paths, pulling tickets off printers, getting to coolers, etc., employees must have their masks on properly so ensure the safety of themselves and other co-workers. We will take a strong course of action if these rules are not followed.  Please report to owner Jon Jacob

State Ohio Official Orders and Guidance • Stay Safe Ohio Order: 5/29/20 • Responsible Restart Ohio • Restart Ohio Restaurant and Bar Guidance, revised 5/22/20 • Ohio Restaurant & Food Establishment Best Practices • Gov. DeWine Announces Enforcement of Safety Checks on Restaurants and Bars to ensure compliance with Restart Ohio Guidance Dine-In

• Permitted, with restrictions Employee PPE

• Businesses must require all employees to wear facial coverings, except for one of the following reasons: – Facial coverings in the work setting are prohibited by law or regulation – Facial coverings are in violation of documented industry standards – Facial coverings are not advisable for health reasons – Facial coverings are in violation of the business’s documented safety policies – Facial coverings are not required when the employee works alone in an assigned work area – There is a functional (practical) reason for an employee not to wear a facial covering in the workplace ▪ Businesses must provide written justification, upon re quest, explaining why an employee is not required to wear a facial covering in the workplace ▪ At minimum, facial coverings (masks) should be cloth/fabric and cover an individual’s nose, mouth, and chin Employee Health Checks

• Employees must perform daily symptom assessment – Daily symptom assessments should include assessing for symptoms and taking your temperature with a thermometer and monitoring for fever – Per the CDC, symptoms include cough, shortness of breath or difficult breathing, and two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headaches, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell

• Require employees to stay at home if symptomatic and perform daily symptom assessment requirements before returning to work Customer Health Checks / PPE

• Ask customers and guests not to enter if symptomatic Sanitation • Provide access to hand washing methods while in the food service establishment, and if possible, place approved hand washing/sanitizing products in high-contact areas

• An elevated cleaning and sanitizing schedule for all surfaces that staff and customers contact should be created and executed o Equipment and surfaces that are touched by individuals who have tested positive or displayed symptoms for COVID-19 should be disinfected. Food contact surfaces must be properly washed, rinsed, and sanitized after disinfection o Restrooms should be routinely cleaned and sanitized, and hand sinks should be stocked with soap and paper towels or hand dryers

• Employee safety training should continue, highly emphasizing proper handwashing, glove use, and proper hygiene practices

• Food establishments should use mobile ordering and payments where possible to reduce hand contact – The use of no-touch entrances and exits are suggested, as well as separate entrances and exits where possible

• Instead of using containers for condiments to be used by multiple customers, restaurants should use single packets or cups

• Daily cleaning for the entire establishment. Clean and sanitize tabletops, chairs, and menus between seatings

• Clean all high touch areas every two hours, and more frequently as needed (e.g. door handles; light switches; phones, pens, touch screens)

• Provide approved hand washing/sanitizing products in common areas

• When appropriate, establish ordering areas and waiting areas with clearly marked safe distancing and separations per individual/social group for both restaurant and bar service

• Remove self-service, table, and common area items (e.g. table tents, vases, lemons, straws, stir sticks, condiments) Distancing and Occupancy Restrictions

• Ensure a minimum of six feet between parties waiting and when dining – if not possible, utilize barriers or other protective devices

• Food service establishments offering dine-in service must take affirmative steps with customers to achieve safe social distancing guidelines

• Private dining and bar seating areas within a foodservice establishment must follow all approved safe social distancing guidelines

• Establish and post maximum dining area capacity using updated COVID-19 compliant floor plans – With maximum party size per state guidelines (currently 10) – Post a kitchen floor plan, establishing safe social distancing guidelines and following established state health dept guidance for masks and gloves

• Ensure minimum of six feet between employees, if not possible, utilize barriers

• Limit number of employees allowed in break rooms at the same time and practice social distancing o Maximum to be current group size per state guidelines (currently 10) Changes to Payment Systems

• N/A Other Operational Guidelines

• Post a list of COVID-19 symptoms in a conspicuous place

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